Department of English

Welcome to Department of English


Murarichand College (popularly known as M. C. College), one of oldest and prestigious educational institutions in Bangladesh, was founded in 1892. As a subject, English began its journey along with the foundation of the college under Calcutta University. From the very beginning, English was taught as a compulsory subject at Intermediate and Degree levels. In 1922, Honours Course was introduced into this Department. But enrolments in Honours Courses were temporarily stopped in 1955 under University of Dhaka after a few years of the emergence of the then Pakistan. In 1961, three –year Honours Course resumed under University of Dhaka.  In 1968, the college got affiliated to the newly founded University of Chittagong and in 1970, Masters Part-1 Course was introduced into Department under this University. But during the post-Liberation period of Bangladesh the Masters Part-1 Course had been suspended along with others subjects due to shortage of teachers. However, the Department ran its Honours Courses smoothly till 1992 when the college got affiliated to National University, Bangladesh. Under National University Masters Final and Master Part-1 Courses were included.


Currently, the Department consists of 09 dedicated and dynamic academics who are committed to disseminating knowledge among the students. Besides, Department has 03 skilled employees. Around 800 regular students study in BA (Honours), Masters (Part-1) and Masters (Final) classes in this Department. Teachers have also been conducting lessons in HSC, Degree (Pass) and Non-credit English (Compulsory) classes very efficiently using modern equipment like multimedia projector.

At present, the Department is one of the biggest in the college in terms of enrollment of Honours and Masters students under National University and the Department has upheld its royal heritage in both curricular and extracurricular arenas. A good number of students of the Department have proved their worth as they are holding different important positions at different strata of the society. The Department takes pride in enhancing the image of the college both at home and abroad.



প্রফেসর মো. আবদুল হামিদ


বি.এ. (অনার্স); এম.এ. ইংরেজি

Joining Date: 05-08-2020

ফারহানা জামান

সহযোগী অধ্যাপক

বি.এ.অনার্স এম.এ.ইংরেজি

Joining Date: 30-06-2021

অলকা রানী দাশ মহালদার

সহকারী অধ্যাপক

বি.এ.অনার্স এম.এ.ইংরেজি

Joining Date: 25-11-2019

মোহাম্মদ বদরুজ্জামান

সহকারী অধ্যাপক

বিএ (সম্মান) এমএ (ইংরেজি)

Joining Date: 30-12-2021

জোস্না বেগম


বিএ (সম্মান) এমএ (ইংরেজি)

Joining Date: 07-08-2014

ফাজিলাতুন নাহার


বিএ(অনার্স)এম.এ, ইংরেজি

Joining Date: 26-06-2021

নিরুপম চৌধুরী


বি.এ. (অনার্স); এম.এ. ইংরেজি

Joining Date: 02-05-2017